Aurora Luna Walss


Family and Marriage Psychotherapist, Expressive Arts Therapist, Architect, Visual Artist and Teacher willing to serve and to support creativity development through arts, education and therapy.

Creator and director of “Continente Seis”,

  • Family and Marriage Psychotherapist, Master´s degree;
  • Administration of Educational Institutions, Master´s degree;
  • Expressive Arts Therapy Consultant, Trauma Informed Practice and Expressive Arts Therapy Institute. Dra. Cathy Malchiodi, USA.
  • Dance Movement Therapy Training, International Conference on Art Therapy, Dra. Joanne Lara, Hong, Kong.
  • Trauma Informed Care for Professionals Working with Youth, Center for Adolescent Studies, USA.
  • EMDR, Basic and Advanced Training, Dr. Ignacio Jarero, Querétaro, Qro., y Puebla, Pue., México.
  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional Level 2 (CCTP-II) Certification
  • Internal Family Systems, (IFS), Instituto Newman, México.

Publications and presentations:

  • Book: “Colores Primarios, Arteterapia”, march, 2020.
  • Member of AIBAPT, Asociación Iberoamericana de Psicotrauma;
  • Participación en el Encuentro Nacional Sobre Violencia Familiar, Culiacán, Sin., México, Octubre 2012;
  • International Conference on Art Therapy, Shenzen, China, Mayo 2013;
  • Encuentro Internacional “Mujeres por la Cultura”, Cuernavaca, Mor., México, Noviembre 2014;
  • 5o Congreso Latinoamericano y 6o Congreso del Mercosur de Arteterapia, “Arteterapia:Impacto Social”, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Noviembre 2015;
  • International Conference on Art Therapy, “A world of Arts Without Strangers”, Hong Kong, Mayo 2016;
  • XVI Congreso de Psicoterapia Familiar y de Pareja, Ateneo de Estudios Superiores de Zacatecas, Zacs., México, Junio 2017;
  • Semana EMERGE, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Veracruz, México, Abril 2018;
  • Conferencista y tallerista invitada en la 2019 International Conference on Art Therapy “Harmony in Diversity”, Beijing, China, Noviembre 2019;
  • Conferencista y tallerista en el  VIII Congreso Latinamericano de Arteterapia,​  2020 Viña del Mar, Chile.