Art Therapy (the Basic)

Short online Course, Skills program: ART THERAPY (the basic)
Lecturer: Aurora Luna Walss (Mexico)
This course aims to develop in the participant the awareness of the therapeutic power of art, the mind- body connection and the ability of self-observation. This is a creative, playful and emotional experience that will facilitate the understanding of why making art can improve the quality of life of healthy people and / or people with physical or mental ailments. The course will be taught in Spanish and English.
Curso breve en línea: Arteterapia: Las bases
Este curso tiene como objetivo desarrollar en el participante la conciencia del poder terapéutico del arte, la conexión mente-cuerpo y la capacidad de autoobservación. Se trata de una experiencia creativa, lúdica y emocional que facilitará la comprensión de por qué hacer arte puede mejorar la calidad de vida de personas sanas y/ o personas con dolencias físicas o mentales. El curso se impartirá en Español.
1 week
200 Eur for this course
- 15th of December;
- 15th of February;
- 15th of April.
Upon completion of this course, the student will receive a certificate. This course will be continued. It will be possible to obtain a certificate of skills.
If you have some questions, feel free to write us and ask.