Introduction to Visual Arts with an Emphasis on Artistic Painting

Short online Course, Skills program: Introduction to Visual Arts with an Emphasis on Artistic Painting
Lecturer: Aurora Luna Walss (Mexico)
In this course students will be introduced to visual arts with an emphasis on ARTISTIC PAINTING. The techniques and processes addressed in the course are linked to the development of contemporary painting. We will intensively develop the study of COLOR as the main and defining axis, as well as concepts of abstraction, figuration, geometrization and gestures. In terms of tools, techniques and supports, we will know and practice all those pertinent to both dry and wet painting (oil, acrylic, watercolor, pencil, pastels, collage, etc.). The course will be taught in Spanish.
Curso breve en línea: Curso de introducción a las artes visuales con énfasis en Pintura Artística
En este curso, los estudiantes serán introducidos a las artes visuales con énfasis en PINTURA ARTÍSTICA. Las técnicas y procesos abordados en el curso están vinculados al desarrollo de la pintura contemporánea. Desarrollaremos de forma intensiva el estudio del COLOR como eje principal y definitorio, así como los conceptos de abstracción, figuración, geometrización y gestos. En cuanto a herramientas, técnicas y soportes, conoceremos y practicaremos todas aquellas pertinentes a la pintura tanto en seco como en húmedo (óleo, acrílico, acuarela, lápiz, pasteles, collage, etc.). Este curso se impartirá en Español.
1 month
240 Eur for this course
- 15th of December;
- 15th of February;
- 15th of April;
Upon completion of this course, the student will receive a certificate.
This course will be continued. It will be possible to obtain a certificate of skills.
If you have some questions, feel free to write to us and ask.