by | Oct 15, 2021
Introduction to Visual Arts with an Emphasis on Artistic Painting Short online Course, Skills program: Introduction to Visual Arts with an Emphasis on Artistic PaintingLecturer: Aurora Luna Walss (Mexico) DESCRIPTION: In this course students will be introduced to...
by | Sep 30, 2021
12hrs with Elmira Short online Course, Skills program: 12HRS WITH ELMIRALecturer: Elmira Shokr Pour (Iran) DESCRIPTION: This course introduces students to contemporary painting, techniques and concepts by emphasizing the understanding of its official language and the...
by | Sep 30, 2021
Art Therapy (the Basic) Short online Course, Skills program: ART THERAPY (the basic)Lecturer: Aurora Luna Walss (Mexico) DESCRIPTION: This course aims to develop in the participant the awareness of the therapeutic power of art, the mind- body connection and the...