Interview with Sandra Scedrina,Head of the Lithuanian Museum of Art / Gallery “Siela”(Chicago, USA)
The Museum of Lithuanian Art in Chicago, Lemont, Illinois (USA) was founded by the merger of four separate art and cultural organizations of Lithuanian emigrants…
Pablo Solari exhibition “Poetry of colors”
Pablo Solari, born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on April 13, 1953, is a renowned artist known for his vibrant and expressive works. His artistic journey has been shaped by his Italian heritage, as he is the son of immigrants from Massarosa, Lucca, Italy. Although he is...
Interview with DODD HOLSAPPLE (USA)
Dodd is deeply focused on creating engaging visual artwork inspired by environmental conditions dervided from science. Themed works are integrated with climate awareness and stylized composition formalized in unexpected color theory applications. Dodd's work...
Zita Vilutytė Exhibition “CME”
1-31 December, 2023 The truth of this world exists as a law of nature, as part of an indivisible inner whole, independent of human truth, which changes and transforms and is dependent on many external factors. Any truth is a part of this absolute truth, which creates...
Interview with Tamsin Mendelsohn (UK)
ZITA V.: Dear Tamsin, introduce yourself to our readers.Tell us, what was your path, how did you discover this position, the realisation of your potential through such activities? T.M.: I’m Tamsin Mendelsohn and I support artists and entrepreneurs to make leaps in...
Wang Xiangyu (London, UK) Exhibition “Desire Turbulence”
Statement I'm a London-based digital media artist passionate about how to creates poetic or interesting art installations by new technologies. I focus on the issues of the relationship between humans and nature and the impact of technology on the future. I use...
Ramiro Machaca outstanding Bolivian artist
Ramiro Machaca's work has been recognized with all the important awards in Bolivia, mainly in drawing and painting, although he has occasionally received recognition for his textile pieces. Has exhibited continuously since 2003 in halls and galleries in South America,...
International Art Exhibition “Beyond Limitations“
3-30 November, 2023 Researching the impact of environmental spaces on creativity has found that the higher the space up to the ceiling of a building, the more positively it affects the inspirations of the developer. The concept of space is taking on ever new meanings...
INTERVIEW with Robert Reschkowski (GERMANY, Düsseldorf )
Art is a medium of encounter and transformation. What can art do? Art can free us by captivating us. And art leads to art! And how do we get to art? And very often it is our inner or outer lack of freedom that leads to…
Luciano Caggianello (Italy) Exhibition “Daily Viewings”
Concept In the incessant repetition of everyday life, the reassuring habit of multiple repetitiveness is refined and people rediscover the identity of themselves as well as of "things", since with them, and through them, a specific, strong and profound relationship is...
S. Vijayaraghavan exhibition “Unravel of Ecological Entanglements”
15 January-15 February, 2024 The title reflects the reciprocal visual dialogues of our current ecological and socio-political maladies in the pandemic situation. It expresses the common man's voice of imagination with unremitting fondness. The content of the body of...
3rd International Contemporary Art BIENNALE “NO standART. endless truth seekers”
ANIMA MUNDI ACADEMIAtogether with International Juryorganize the 3rd International Contemporary Art BIENNALE“NO standART. endless truth seekers” 1 August /30 August, 2023, Online, worldwide and invite:• artists,• researchers,• educational and scientific innovatorsto...